i sick dy...
bt dun hv fever...
wanna do hor yan's tag...Question...
• How did you meet 10? *kaori*
aki's gang...• What would you do if you had never met 6? *jing xin*
lost a fren...n nothin will happens...• What would you do if 20 and 17 dated? *kah wei... xin yi*
i think dey wont...if dey will i oso nothin 2 do la...• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be? *jing xin...jiahui*
ehem~...both of dem r girl...
• Did you ever like 9? *aki*• Have you ever seen 4 cry? *nic*
no la ofcz...• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?*Nicole...kit yeng*
no la...it wont happen...• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple? *hor yan...kah yan*
...dey sumtimes r lyk enemy...so wat u think??dey r my best frenz...• Describe about 8 *raymond*
pengerusi of ICE LEMON TEA FACTORY n naib pengerusi of hor yan hor liang cha factory...• Do you like 12? *kit yeng*
erm...nt very close wif her...• Tell me something about 7 *carmen*
o~...sum1's princess...older then me...• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 18? *brandon*
...erm...he is form 1 de...• What's 7 's favorite color? *carmen*
silver...blue...• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you? *hor yan*
aiyo~she is my best fren...• When was the last time you talked to number 15? *pei see*
last tues...• can you trust 11? *sakyou*
Can kut...nt close wif her...• How do you think 19 feels about you? *cha yi*
dun noe...• What languages does 13 speak? *sin yin*
eng n chinese...• Who is 2 going out with? *kah yan*
hehehee...tall bear kut...hahahaha....• What grade is 25 in? *nava*
same wif me...• What is 5 's favorite music? *jie wei*
i think she dun lyk music...• Would you ever date 3?*wei yan*
1 of my best frenz...• What is 10's last name? *kaori*
-chan...haha...no la...see tho...• Where does 18 live? *brandon*
hse la ofcz...haha• What do you think about 20? *xin yi*
erm...noe her nt very well...• What is the best thing about 4?*nic*
clever...n is a gud audiens...hehe...she wont tell any1 ur secret...• Is 21 hard-working? *wen siew*
dunno...• What would you like to tell 14 right now? *jia hui*
nothin 2 say...• How did you meet 9? *aki*
at my hse...i noe her when i was born...hahaha...ofcz la...[my sis ma]...hahaa• What is the best and worst thing about 2? *kah yan*
lyk anime[as my opinion...]...worst thing i gonna think 1st...haha..• Are you going to know 3 forever? *wei yan*
ya...ofcz...i say dy dat she is 1 of my best fren...• How long have you known 26? *Dharishini*
1 n a half years...noe her last year...we're classmates...erm...a form1 student...a girl[quite cute]...
• Are you or did you ever date 28?*mandy*No...
• Do you have a crush on 27? *timothy*no...
• Would you kiss 16? *kah lok*no la ofcz...if nt i'm gonna kill by sum1...
• Have you hugged/kissed 22? *joey*no...
• Is 29 ur bff? *pey yi*1 of my best fren too...
• What do you hate about 23? *kah man*damn perasan...
• What's your relationship with 30? *yu shin*fren~